- This chapter is about the use of 7-segment displays in microcontroller based
projects. In early sections of the chapter a project is given using a single digit display. Then,
a 2-digit and 4-digit display based projects are given with complete circuit diagrams and the
full source code. The use of the timer interrupt is explained for refreshing multiplexed multi-
digit 7-segment displays. An example is given to show how external interrupt driven events
can be counted and displayed on a 4-digit multiplexed 7-segment display. Finally, the ...
NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY GRAND LIBRARY +90 (392) 223 64 64 Ext:5536. Near East Boulevard, Nicosia, TRNC This software is developed by NEU Library and it is based on Koha OSS
conforms to MARC21 library data transfer rules.